Disaster Safety


Start your disaster protection plan today
You never know when – or in what form – a disaster will strike, so it's important to have a solid disaster safety plan in place to protect you when the unexpected occurs. Since disasters can range from severe winter weather to a wildfire to a pandemic, it’s important for your disaster response plan to be flexible, too.

Your preparedness for a natural disaster is the key factor on how you will weather tough times. Having the proper plan and supplies will ensure your family's safety. Take a moment to determine if you have an effective disaster protection plan by answering these questions:

If something happened to your home, where would you go?
If something happened during a weekday, where would you meet your family to make sure everyone is safe?
Where would you take your pets?
How would you pay for a week in a hotel if you had to evacuate?
Where do you keep your important papers, such as your insurance card, medical records and phone numbers?
Protect your family with a disaster response plan
Don't sacrifice your family's safety in the event of an emergency. Creating a disaster response plan before a catastrophe occurs is one of the best ways to protect your family and property. Let us help you get started: 

Have a plan
Pack an emergency kit
Build an emergency fund
Find insurance that fits