gregscheerinsuranceadmin's blog


Find ice safety tips to help protect your home and your family
As if slippery sidewalks and snow-covered cars aren't bad enough during the winter, you face another potential headache: ruined carpets and water damage to your ceilings and walls from leaks caused by ice dams or bursting pipes.

You can avoid the aggravation and expense by taking these ice safety steps now to prevent this kind of damage.


Thunderstorms and Lightning

Working on lightning safety with your family may help protect them during the next storm
Thunderstorms can occur anywhere and at any time. Lightning kills around 80 people each year and injures 500 more. That's more than the number of people killed annually by tornadoes and hurricanes combined!

Your home
Lightning can cause major damage to your property, so follow these thunderstorm safety tips to help keep your home intact:



Think about tornado safety with these tornado protection tips
With winds blowing up to 300 mph, a tornado that touches ground can destroy everything in its path for up to 50 miles. They strike quickly with little warning, so it's important to consider these tornado preparation tips now to protect your family and your home from disaster.

Here are a few facts about tornadoes:



Hurricane preparedness starts with fortifying your home
As history has shown, hurricanes are like no other storms on earth.

From Maine to Texas to Hawaii, these ferocious weather systems bring torrential rain, flooding, storm surges and devastating winds that damage homes, destroy treasured keepsakes and disrupt lives.

It's never too early to think about hurricane safety, and you can take several basic steps right now to protect your family and your home from disaster.



Flood prevention and flood safety can save you time and money from the most common catastrophe in the U.S.
Floods damage more homes than any other natural disaster in the U.S. They cause more than $2 billion in property damage every year.

A flood can happen to anyone, so it’s important to find out if you have adequate protection for your home.


Natural Disaster Preparedness Plans

Find specific tips on improving your preparedness for natural disasters in your area
A disaster can strike without warning. People often overlook creating a natural disaster preparation plan in case of an emergency. Having a plan in place can allow for an effective disaster recovery if something were to happen. Find helpful information about specific disasters that may occur in your area – and how to prepare for them.


Tornado Preparedness

Tornadoes: Survival Tips and Myths
Here's a short guide to what steps to take if a tornado's heading your way – along with a quick debunking of some common tornado advice that turns out to be either dead wrong or a waste of precious time.

Disasters Weather or Not: Tornadoes
With winds blowing up to 300 mph, a tornado that touches ground can destroy everything in its path for up to 50 miles. They strike quickly with little warning, so it's important to consider these tornado preparation tips now to protect your family and your home from disaster.


Hurricane Preparedness

Researchers Unveil Predictions for 2010
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is predicting an above-normal hurricane season for the Atlantic this year.

Hurricane Planning Begins Now
Like far-flung in-laws, a few unwelcome and unexpected guests may be paying visits to the U.S. Atlantic coast this summer and fall.

Disasters Weather or Not: Hurricanes
It's never too early to think about hurricane safety, and you can take several basic steps right now to protect your family and your home from disaster.


Natural Disaster Insurance

Insurance is a fundamental part of your natural disaster plan. Make sure you have what you need.
One of the easiest ways to protect your home and family is to have natural disaster insurance. Even with disaster preparedness for a catastrophe, your property could still suffer damage. If you're covered, your natural disaster insurance can be a big help in replacing your treasured items.

When discussing your natural disaster protection options, talk to your agent about the topics below. Make sure your insurance protects what’s important to you:


Your Emergency Fund

Start an emergency savings account today to prepare for a rainy – or snowy or windy – day
Having an emergency fund is important no matter where you live. If a catastrophe hits your area, you will likely find yourself taking time off work to handle the aftermath and spending money to rebuild whatever the catastrophe ruined.



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