Are you Prepared Now?


Though each situation is unique, any business can be better prepared if it plans carefully, puts emergency procedures in place and practices for emergencies of all kinds.

Some things are vital to running your business. And, you need to protect them. Create an all-inclusive disaster plan, update it regularly and keep a copy at an off -site location.

Use this list to get you started thinking about what really makes your business run.

Identify an internal shelter in the event that authorities tell you to “shelter in place,” or stay put
Document each employee’s function and emergency contact information
Decide who is in charge when regular managers are unavailable
Create a phone tree and designate individuals who will initiate the communication process
Establish a single spokesperson to speak to the media and the public
Train your employees on the plan and review it with them regularly
Identify the likelihood that customers will be present if a disaster strikes
Keep communications open
Keep a copy of your customer records off-site
Have an alternate worksite from which to communicate to customers during recovery.
Maintain a contact list of all your suppliers
Find out how they plan to supply you if the supplier experiences a disaster
Maintain a list of alternate suppliers
Maintain an inventory of all equipment used by your business
Keep a maintenance schedule for all equipment, as well as manufacturer and service contact information for each
Make sure your facility meets all local building and fire codes
Know where utility shutoffs are located and how to operate them
Document all processes that make your business run from answering the phones, to tracking finances, to distributing your product or service
Develop a schedule for backing up all computer records
Keep current copies of all paper and computer files off-site and accessible
Insurance coverage can mean the difference between reopening after a disaster strikes and having to close your doors. Meet regularly with your insurance agent to ensure you have adequate coverage and knowledge of how to quickly file a claim.
Consider a policy that will reimburse you for business disruptions in addition to physical losses